Complete Health Package

12-week Complete Health Package
(Individual one-on-one coaching)

This will be a 3-month transformational program, focused on your desired and specific health-wellness goals. We will start with an initial focus on nutrition and food intake, along with the importance of regular exercise. As you progress, additional focus areas will include sleep; stress; play, sunlight, etc ….
Each plan is individualized, based on each person’s goals, your daily lifestyle routines and time schedule, and any possible barriers we may encounter. This will be a confidential space to take into account any private-personal wellness concerns; such as weight loss, chronic conditions, or lack of energy/vitality.

Included in package:

  • One-hour initial consultation / introduction to primal health program / agreement to commit
  • There will be one important weekly check-in email/questionnaire; with each person’s plan to be reviewed and adjusted as necessary
  • Weekly coaching check-in meeting
  • Compliance Schedule & Action Accountability Plan
  • A one-hour exercise-fitness session each week, based totally on person’s current endurance, strength and ability levels
  • Email support 24/7; with all questions, concerns, barriers to be discussed in an appropriate and expedient manner
  • The New Primal Blueprint book
  • Pantry “Purge”& Recipes / Baking healthy “comfort foods”

First week will be complimentary (Free); we will spend this first week to make your program personal and prepare you to get started. You can then choose your starting date